Out of the Ashes (Maji Book 1) by L.A. Casey


For Nova, a twenty-three-year-old survivalist, wandering a barren wasteland was a lonely existence. But her day-to-day life was about to drastically change forever. Gone were the days when her only worries were rabid animals, augmented humans, the unforgiving scorching sun, and rogue watchmen. Now, Nova found herself faced with a new threat, and he was tall, grey, and horribly stubborn.

For Kol, a two-hundred-year-old daredevil, sailing the never-ending waves of deep space was a vast and thrilling life to lead. He had one objective on Earth—rescue as many human females as possible and return them to his home planet. It was supposed to be simple, but no one told Kol that a human female’s tongue could slice a male like a blade. His charge was short, strikingly attractive, and she talked way too much.

Nova wasn’t going to be kidnapped without putting up a fight, but Kol was more than ready to go toe to toe with her. These two species set out on a collision course that would redefine the phrase "The Big Bang" forever.

My Review

Sci-fi romance was a genre I never thought I'd enjoy. Aliens and romance? Weird, right? This was a genre out of my comfort zone and never had a desire to try. However, I absolutely adore L.A. Casey's Slater Brothers series. She writes with such heart that leaves an impact days after you read her books. So when I saw this book, I thought why not give it a try. I'm so happy I did.
Just like her other books she writes with passion, love and heart. She has a knack for writing her male characters with such undying love for females that makes it so difficult to put the book down.
In this book, the Maji alien race holds their females in such high reverence and they believe they are the most precious things to exist. They protect, love, honor and cherish them above all. They are their world. I mean do you really need me to say more? I will.
L.A. Casey will not only make you fall in love with the main characters but the side characters as well. She knows how to write a family bond that makes you crave to be a part of it. Which is why it makes it so difficult to wait for the next book. Lastly, the book has world building, humor, wit and steam. So if you are on the fence about this genre like I was, don't be. Not when it comes to this author. Give it a try you won't be disappointed.

Rating: 5 Stars

Recommend: Highly

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