
Her Soulkeepers: A Complete Reverse Harem Romance Series by Sadie Moss


My people are dying.
Our god has abandoned us, leaving us starving and weak. In a desperate attempt to save those I love, I offer up the ultimate sacrifice to our neglectful god.
He accepts my offering, and I forfeit my life. But when I arrive in the afterworld, a rival god who despises mine binds my soul to three beautiful, terrifying men--powerful beings he calls his messengers.
Callum, Echo, and Paris.
I'm little more than an annoyance to them, a lost soul their master has foisted upon them.
Still, the bond between us draws me toward them constantly, like a lodestone finding true north, and the more time I spend with these enigmatic men, the more confused my feelings become.
I hate them. I want them. I fear them. I need them.
But no matter what happens, I won't let myself love them.

My Review

This series was a first for me by Sadie Moss and it was incredible! These books have action, world building and love with plenty of steam for you. Sage is a strong female lead that proves it by her actions again and again throughout the books. She sacrifices herself to her god to save her mom, brother and her village. The sacrifice doesn’t turn out the way she hoped and ends up bound to three strong, beautiful, captivating messengers. Sadie Moss did a wonderful job writing each male character so they instantly felt real to me. I feel like I’ve met each type of man at some point in my life and it made me smile. We have Echo, the sweet and considerate one. Paris, the flirty and cocky one. And Callum, oh Callum, the stubborn strong leader that lets his past hold him back out of fear and guilt. Callum has to be my favorite type of male character because when they fall, they fall hard. And I absolutely loved watching him fall. Echo, Paris and Callum compliment each other and work well as a unit, so when you add Sage it’s like putting the last piece of the puzzle together. They fit perfectly.
Loved this series.

Rating: 5 Stars

Recommend: Highly

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