*This is the third book in the series and must be read in order. Please scroll down to the bottom to see the review for the first and second book.
My review
The thrill came back and ended with a bang! It's a book I finished a couple days ago and I'm still thinking about it.
So so so happy about this third book. I absolutely loved the first book and how the series started, the second book was still good but just lacked some of the thrill, action and excitement that I felt from the first book, but this third book more than makes up for it! Amazing! We get all the action with all the answers with all the emotions. Beautiful!
Credit to the authors for how they handled Fury's alcohol addiction through the series. Reading the scene when she finally hits rock bottom and comes to the gripping reality of what drinking does was realistic. It wasn't forced. It was all self-motivated when she made that decision to quit. Yes, she has the support of her men but for those who have ever had a loved one deal with addiction we all know you can only help so much.
Overall, it was a fantastic series that I highly recommend. But wait - it's not over! Next up is Hades with book 4. What? Feathers? Yes, that bird turns out to be something special. Something I didn't predict. I cannot put into words how much I loved Hades in this book and how excited I am to read the next one.
Love you guys and happy reading!