The Broken Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 2) by Winter Rose


Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined my new reality.
Sure, my skills were more than enough to ensure my acceptance into the Elite Warriors–my badassery was never in question.
However, I didn't expect to be told that I was a weapon, forged by the goddesses themselves, to protect the balance between darkness and light. Oh, and I certainly didn't predict the gift of six sworn guardians—six incredibly powerful, god-level-attractive, possessive guardians.
The kicker?
In order to become the weapon foretold, I will need to bond with each one.
Sounds fun right?
Well let me assure you, after only meeting four of them, they are proving to be more than I can handle, and I’ve not even met the final two.
The fifth has been imprisoned for the past two decades, tortured by the rebel force, and the sixth, is the man he needs saving from.
Will my soul ever be complete, or will I always remain The Broken Vessel?

*This is the second book in the series and needs to be read in order. To see my review for the first book scroll down to the bottom.

My Review

This review is tough to write.
I absolutely loved and adored the first book and highly recommended it to those that love reverse harems because I felt it was done the right way. They loved, cherished, and held Luna in such high reverence right from the start. I thought the bonding would be effortless for this group.

This book starts off right where the last one ends. The men are unhappy about Vulcan bonding with Luna. This creates such discord in the group that it nearly broke my heart. It felt like none of the men were in agreement. They would fight, lust after Luna, immediately stop lusting, and start fighting again. This goes on repeat for the first half of the book, all while trying to find Balhar.

Finding Balhar was, to me, anticlimactic. Once they find him, the chapter ends and jumps to Luna, Luke and the other recruits having dinner together. A little bit of whiplash and confusion as to why we jumped here. I wanted to see more with Balhar and bringing him home after being held captive for 20 years.

The second half of the book we get more back story of the men. Which really just uncovered a lot of self hate, doubt, anger and jealousy. I didn't like it. Where did the men from the first book go? So much intense negative emotions. They need a lot of healing.

For the next book, I'd love to see this mended. I'd love to see them work together, the way they are intended to, and show Luna they are here for her. I want this so much because I believe this story is a unique and creative one. Once those bonds are in place and everything is good with the men, the author can run away with the story and make it epic.

Rating: 3 Stars

Recommend: Not yet, need to read the next book

Books in the series

