Requiem of the Soul: A Sovereign Sons Novel (The Society Trilogy Book 1)

by A. Zavarelli and Natasha Knight


I was born with noble blood in my veins.
Heir to a powerful dynasty.
Wealth. Power. Aristocracy.
Temptations too dangerous to resist.
Until someone tried to steal it all.
Scarred and broken, I emerged from the flames.
Now I’ve returned to take what’s mine.
The first item on my agenda?
Make Ivy Moreno my wife.
Bend her until she breaks.

My Review

Santiago: I'm a monster because I have burn scars on me.
Ivy: I'm deformed because I have an eye that looks like a cat. I also have vestibular dysfunction. That’s fancy for I get dizzy and fall down a lot.
Santiago: I'm going get revenge and marry Ivy just to break her.
Ivy: Gasp! No, you're a monster!
Santiago: Yes, I am. Now, listen to me or I will punish you.
Ivy: Never!
Santiago: That's it...spank, spank, spank, tie you up and make you wear this very heavy helmet, bad girl, I own you, some weird religious punishment BDSM stuff, I'm a monster.....
Ivy: I hate you!
Some eating, sleeping and dressing. More eating, sleeping and dressing. Nothing, nothing, nothing.
Last 2 chapters something big happens annnnnnnd end cliffhanger.

Alright, for the more serious review. I didn’t realize this was going to use BDSM. I stopped reading this genre about 10 years ago because it got boring. I’m happy to see I’ve missed nothing. The only difference I saw with this book, for the punishment, they used religious punishment. For example, Santiago made Ivy recite hail marys, swatted her feet with a cane, and smacked her with a ruler. He has sex with her at the alter in a church, right in front of a Jesus Christ statue. I wasn’t into it - at all. That’s some weird kink if you ask me.

The other things I weren’t into. Santiago and Ivy. Santiago lived through an explosion that killed his brother and dad, but only left him with burn scars. Thus, making him a monster (his words). You won’t ever forget this fact because it’s repeated in each chapter. He’s a monster because of his burn scars. Since when does that make someone a monster? Their actions, yes, but burn scars? No. I wasn’t understanding the dramatic feelings from Santiago.

Ivy had the same dramatic, poor me, feelings going on. She has an eye deformity that makes her eye appear like a cat’s eye. And she has vestibular dysfunction. Which causes her to stumble in every chapter. These are odd characteristics to have in your main characters. I wasn’t feeling it. Especially, when they kept referring to themselves as deformed. Whatever.

Lastly, nothing happens in the book. This book is part of a trilogy and I can’t imagine the other books having more action. It dragged on until the last 2 (short) chapters before anything eventful happened. This is an example of a series that could be done in one book.

Rating: 1 star

Recommend: No

