A Dream of Embers (A Tempest of Shadows Book 3) by Jane Washington


“I had dreams of the sun dying like hot coal smothered by sand, suffocating in a world where darkness hunted light ... but then I woke and saw that it had risen again, and I knew we would be no different.
From this battle to the next, we would endure.”

What began as a war of force had turned to one of secrets and strategies. An army was amassing in the shadows, hidden from our eyes, slipping into our ranks until there was nowhere safe to turn, and nobody left to trust.
To win the war, I would be forced to forget the man I trusted, and to bind myself to the men I hated.
Since the first day, the great masters have fought for control over me, fought to claim me in marriage and seize my power for themselves. Every step of the way, they’ve asked me to choose. They’ve attempted to deal and swindle the decision out of me, but I’ve managed to out-manoeuvre them at every turn, bringing me to this moment.
The moment I finally choose.
If they can take my power, I can take theirs, and if marriage is how they want to do it, then so be it.
I’ll marry all five of them, and choose myself.

*This is the third book in the series and must be read in order. Please scroll down to the bottom to see the reviews for the first two books.

My Review

I felt the pace was turned down in this book to allow character development. I loved it and yet needed more at the same time. I loved that we finally get more background story with the 5 Masters. It allowed me to see that, at the root, they aren't really evil. They've just been burned by others.
Speaking of burn, it's still slow. Let's turn it up please! I'm dying.
For the next book, I'd love to see full commitment to Ven from the Masters. I'd also love to see the individual relationships grow between Ven and the Masters. Show us the vulnerability the Masters have. Combine it with some steam and YES!

Till next time. Happy reading everyone!

Rating: 4 stars

Recommend: yes

books in the series

