Lost Feather (The Forgotten Angel Book 1) by Merri Bright


I’m no angel… or am I?

Nameless. Forgotten. Lost on Earth for centuries with a disembodied voice as my only friend. Protecting the vulnerable without any help from above. No one to explain the rules. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

So when High Angelus Gavriel finds me killing a very bad man, can he really blame me? Before I can explain, he drags me back to the place he swears is my home: Sanctuary.

Halfway between Earth and the Celestial Realm, Sanctuary would be paradise if it weren’t for the daily decontamination showers, hours spent carving the murder-marks off my skin to discover my true name, and thousands of prim and proper angels who tell me I stink. Literally.

I’m the dirtiest Protector they’ve ever seen, but I can’t stop fantasizing about Gavriel and his best friends. Those sexy-as-sin High Angeli don’t know what to do with me, but I have a few ideas. I just need to find out my name so they’ll see who I am deep down… even if I have a feeling I’m no angel.

But what happens when my name is revealed, and it’s worse than anyone ever imagined?

My review

I’m having a hard time writing this review right now because this book took me by surprise and just blew me away. I wasn’t expecting it, but I feel like I found a gem!

I’ll be honest, it was the cover that made me download it. I’m a sucker for a gorgeous cover. But once I started reading it, I just couldn’t stop. The only thing I’m mad about right now is the fact that I read it too fast and it’s over!

I absolutely love and adore Feather. She is an incredibly strong female character. Feather’s been through a lot and she’s constantly being mistreated by everyone around her. My heart broke for her many times but Feather did not break. The courage she has to keep going forward is admirable.

I also love her humor and steamy dirty fantasies. The steam was A+. I can’t wait to see what happens when the harem is fully formed. I’m sure my kindle will explode.

Happy reading lovelies!

Rating: 5 stars

Recommend: yes
